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Mr. Thomas Salafia Bajoni and his family are Pop-Art collectors since the 1960’s, with particular reference to artworks by Andy Warhol. 


Through time, patience and worldwide acquisitions, they assembled an important collection of artworks by Andy Warhol: selected works from such collection have often been lent to museums for Andy Warhol or Pop-Art exhibitions. Such collection is now known as the “Bajoni Collection” and is not for sale.


However, the experience, passion and competence matured through more than half a century, is now offered through a professional Art Advisory and Art Dealer service, focused but not limited to Pop-Art. 


Most of our clients are important collectors, however also other clients are increasingly interested in Art as an investment or as an interesting way to safeguard and transmit wealth through generations. 


Please contact us for further information. 

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